Live Interview with Petter Hallaråker on July 2nd 2024

News is an important part of our job/hobby and through it I keep discovering new bands. Like Rendezvous Point . They don’t actually play my music. Actually! When I uploaded the videos I listened to them of course and now I’m introducing this band to you on my show on 2 July 24 at Cranium Radio . Petter Hallaråker, the guitarist of Rendezvous Point will be a live guest. The interview will later be translated and broadcast on FM in Germany and can be found on Facebook/Youtube

Live Interview with Petter Hallaråker

July 2nd 2024, 2pm EDT – 20.00 Uhr Berlin


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Artist: Rendezvous Point
Album: Dream Chaser
Release Date: 21st June 2024
Label: Long Branch Records / SPV
Photo Credit: Jonathan Vivaas Kise
(Deutsche Version siehe unten)


Norwegian Progressive Metal masters Rendezvous Point return with their highly anticipated third full-length album “Dream Chaser”. Following the footsteps from their critically acclaimed sophomore album “Universal Chaos”, the 5-piece around Leprous drummer Baard Kolstad, keyboardist Nicolay Tangen Svennæs (Ihsahn, Bernhoft, Emilie Nicolas), singer Geirmund Hansen, guitarist Petter Hallaråker and bass player Gunn-Hilde Erstad continues to push boundaries with more concise songwriting and a wider focus on groove, riffs, melodies and hooks.

“Dream Chaser” delves deep into the realm of artistic exploration, focusing on the relentless pursuit of perfection. “Artists often strive a whole lifetime searching for something abstract, a feeling of perfection in what you do or create,“ comment singer Geirmund Hansen. „Since it’s an abstract and subjective thing, the artists‘ search for perfection often results in a lifetime of always wanting more, better, bigger and deeper. This leads to chasing something unclear and un-touchable, like a dream. It seems real and reachable, but never is.“

With themes ranging from societal disillusionment to personal growth, “Dream Chaser” is offering a compelling glimpse into the human experience. Rendezvous Point invites listeners to join them on their journey exploring the complexities of modern existence and the depths of emotional turmoil.


Die norwegische Progressive Metal-Größe Rendezvous Point meldet sich mit ihrem mit Spannung erwarteten dritten Album „Dream Chaser“ zurück. Nach dem von Kritikern gelobten zweiten Album „Universal Chaos“ setzt die fünfköpfige Band um Leprous-Schlagzeuger Baard Kolstad, Keyboarder Nicolay Tangen Svennæs (Ihsahn, Bernhoft, Emilie Nicolas), Sänger Geirmund Hansen, Gitarrist Petter Hallaråker und Bassistin Gunn-Hilde Erstad ihre Erfolgsgeschichte fort, indem sie ihr Songwriting noch klarer definiert und sich intensiver auf Groove, Riffs, Melodien und Hooks konzentriert.

„Dream Chaser“ taucht tief in das Feld künstlerischer Entwicklung ein und konzentriert sich auf das unerbittliche Streben nach Perfektion. “Artists often strive a whole lifetime searching for something abstract, a feeling of perfection in what you do or create,“ erzählt Sänger Geirmund Hansen. „Since it’s an abstract and subjective thing, the artists‘ search for perfection often results in a lifetime of always wanting more, better, bigger and deeper. This leads to chasing something unclear and un-touchable, like a dream. It seems real and reachable, but never is.“

Mit Themen, die von gesellschaftlicher Desillusionierung bis zu persönlichem Wachstum reichen, bietet „Dream Chaser“ einen fesselnden Einblick in die menschliche Wahrnehmung. Rendezvous Point laden den Hörer ein zusammen die Komplexität der modernen Existenz und die Tiefen des emotionalen Aufruhrs zu erkunden.

Line Up

Geirmund Hansen – Vocals
Baard Kolstad – Drums
Nicolay Tangen Svennæs – Keyboards
Petter Hallaråker – Guitar
Gunn-Hilde Erstad – Bass.


01 Don’t Look Up 4:29
02 Oslo Syndrome 3:21
03 Utopia 3:54
04 Fireflies 6:07
05 Presence 4:40
05 Wildflower 4:00
06 The Tormented 4:48
07 Still Water 6:26

Rendevouz Point

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